Masculinity and the Catholic Man
February 1, 2025

Have you heard about the war on masculinity? Of course you have. It is one of the most heated points of discourse in our modern society and it stretches across borders, cultures, and faith traditions. It is not a question of whether there is a crisis or not. The only question is, what is the proper response? Despite there being at least some positive motion, the responses have largely been dulled and fragmented. To better understand this conflict and what the proper response ought to be, we must first break the matter down into key aspects, because our response cannot be one dimensional.

While the response of faith is the most important, we must first be aware of the physical aspects of this crisis. As well as we can understand this conflict with our minds and commit to fight it, we will be largely ineffective if our bodies are not able to capably operate as designed by God. There are countless articles commenting on this subject, so I encourage each reader to explore these topics deeper on their own. One physically critical aspect of this breakdown is the worldwide plummeting level of testosterone and fertility rates among men. The causes for these declines include the weakened state of our diets, the extreme use of pesticides and herbicides, and the bodily effects of exposure to modern day products, laced with heavy metals, phthalates, PFAS (forever chemicals), and an endless breakdown of microplastics that have contaminated nearly every square inch of both our bodies and our planet. Unwittingly, our hormones have been disrupted and our bodies of have become waste dumps of contamination that has nearly neutered our abilities to both act and think like men. Whether or not this war upon our bodies was intentional or not, it has certainly been allowed to persist and has only made it easier for men to be subdued by all matters of evil.

In conjunction with the physical castration of our bodily systems, we have also accepted a culture that is now ostensibly ruled by feminine values with feelings overtaking principles, weakness and victimhood being worshipped over strength and courage. There are no longer brave knights or Robin Hoods for our sons to be inspired by; seemingly only Moanas and Elsas. This trend is not solely fueled by corporate greed. Rather, we have watched corporations such as Disney and countless others take massive financial losses in their mission to promote feminist and LGBT agendas. While some of these organizations may be misguided, the fact that they keep doubling down demonstrates that this is a full scale, subsidized war on masculinity and traditional western values. At the same time, an ever-increasing number of grown men are subdued into cooperation by accepting a life of comfort underpinned by fast food, video games, and pornography. While the occasional fast food and moderated use of video games is not inherently problematic, what were at one time treats and hobbies are now too often obsessions and addictions. There is also a direct correlation between the comfort of wealthy societies and their falling birthrates. If we do not create and properly raise a new generation, who will be left to grow the Church and carry out her mission?

Not even the Church itself has been spared the effects of the war on masculinity. For over sixty years, the number of priests and seminarians is a fraction of what it once was, and too many of those that are left have either actively participated in or turned a blind eye to deviancy and cowardice. Our churches and chapels have been looted of meaningful iconography, while our liturgies have been overtaken by contemporary hymns and the homilies often reduced to exercises of self-affirmation. There are exceptions, of course. Let us thank God, who always provides for His flock. The individuals and communities who have remained faithful are the ones we must emulate if we are to field an adequate counter response. However, what should that response entail?

Our primary response must be rooted within the principles of our faith in Christ, the Church, and the mission set before each one of us. Thankfully, that fight can start within each one of us today; namely, to unite ourselves in daily personal prayer and relationship with our Lord, particularly through frequent reception of the Sacraments, which are the source of God’s grace that we need to wage this battle. Each man must attune his heart to the steps he is uniquely called to take. To those not sure where to start, a suitable first step is to make a good Confession, attend weekly Sunday Mass, and to carve out at least twenty minutes of uninterrupted personal prayer each day. Perhaps this upcoming Lent would be worth considering undertaking the spiritual exercise of Exodus 90. Prayer apps such as Laudate can provide daily readings and insightful meditations. To undertake the truly masculine life, you must also identify and root out all obstacles of serious sin and obvious occasions to sin, so you may dwell in a state of Grace through which you can know and cooperate with the mission that God has set before for you.

Even then, God calls man to cooperate with His grace through the gifts He has given us, including through our physical bodies. There are countless resources for this on the web and social media, some of which are very helpful, while others are misleading or worse. Every man seeking to live as God intended ought to first begin with proper diet and exercise. If nothing else, start small, such as by cutting out a frequent snack or by taking a daily walk. No matter what, keep raising the bar. It may also be helpful to get some basic bloodwork done to attain a baseline of your hormones, vitamins, and vital statistics. A word of caution: while prescriptions such as Testosterone Replacement Therapy can be helpful as a last resort, there is often a lot of ground you can gain without such measures, solely by changes in lifestyle and diet.

We must always be mindful that our bodily fitness must serve the will of God and not ourselves. If we are not careful, we can be consumed with vanity and a false sense of perfection. However, it is no sin to desire to mold your body to the reasonably full potential in the manner that God has created us. One must also not be tempted to take shortcuts. Aside from the effects on our health, it is by the very struggle to make our bodies fit and healthy that we are further refined to deny ourselves and grow in our ability to sacrifice. Ultimately, we should all aim to be men who are not only healthy but also strong; at least strong enough that we can defend truth and goodness without fear of being unable to physically defend ourselves and loved ones.

While our body and soul are the cornerstones of our masculinity, they must be united together with the mind. Thucydides was the Greek General and Historian who said, “The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools.” How can we expect to defend our faith and values if we are not at least broadly acquainted with Christian theology, philosophy, and history? We must not only be able to detect the cunning lies of those trying to deceive us for their own ends, but we must also be able to defend and promote the truth in both word and deed. Despite his fictionalized persona, a helpful visualization of the well-rounded man is embodied by the character of William Wallace in the film, Braveheart.

The Irish-Anglo Statesman, Edmund Burke, famously stated, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” If we are to carry out the mission that God has for us as men and lead our world back to Christ, we must answer the call to action. After reading this article, take some time in silence to make an honest examination of where you are on this scale. Do not be discouraged if you find more weakness than strength, many of us are just now waking up to the damage that has been intentionally inflicted upon us. But resolve today to become a truly masculine man: physically, mentally, and especially spiritually. Do not just post about it online. Go to the gym, read books, and become a prayer warrior. Always remember that God alone is our strength and our shield, and if God is with us, then who can stand against us?

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New Columbia Movement

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