About Us
Our Philosophy
Postmodern society is rife with assorted degeneracies that not only threaten the stability of the nation and the wellbeing of the people, but they offend God. Homosexuality, sexual “liberation,” pornography, and widespread drug use are severe threats that must be dealt with if we are to even begin to rein in our collapsing civilization. If we are to be a truly Christian organization, we cannot deny our brothers in Christ on the basis of something as frivolous as race. All are one in Christ, and to fracture the community over something so inconsequential is foolish and self-defeating.
Empowering Faith, Family, Fraternity

Our faith in Christ serves as the bedrock for all that we are and all that we do. Our main aim as an organization is the kingdom of heaven

The Family serves as the bedrock of society and of civilization. We seek to grow and lead our own families and protect this sacred institution in our country.

No man is an island unto himself. We must seek community of like minded individuals if we are to reach our full potential and have a positive impact on the world
Our Community
Our fraternity operates across the United states divided into 7 chapters. Members across the nation meet together to participate in fraternal events, as well as pro faith and family activism! We are not a political organization per se, but rather a fraternity of men with common beliefs seeking to be a part of an ever growing faith based community