- Towards The New Columbia
Towards the New Columbia
Profession of Faith
We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all
things visible and invisible.
And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father
before all worlds, Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten, not made, being of one
substance with the Father;
By whom all things were made;
Who for us men, and for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate by
the Holy Ghost and of the Virgin Mary, and was made man;
He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered, and was buried, and the third
day he rose again, according to the Scriptures, and ascended into heaven, and sitteth on
the right hand of the Father;
From thence he shall come again, with glory, to judge the living and the dead;
Whose kingdom shall have no end.
And in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of life, who proceedeth from the Father, who
with the Father and the Son together is worshiped and glorified, who spoke by the
In one holy catholic and apostolic Church; we acknowledge one baptism for the
remission of sins; we look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to
come. Amen
On Columbia
In American history, the name “Columbia” holds a special place. In honor of Christopher Columbus, the great Christian navigator who braved the unknown in the pursuit of discovery and whose efforts resulted in the colonization of the New World, the Thirteen Colonies began to be known as Columbia. Over time, this poetic sobriquet was lent to the personification of the United States, Lady Columbia. Today, it can be found as the name of towns, districts, ships, and academic institutions, but for us, Columbia is something more. We dream not simply of Columbia, but of a New Columbia: a shining city on a hill united in the Social Kingship of Christ. It is, in essence, America reborn as a model of Christian society and fellowship. We dream of casting off the dead weight that weighs us down, of breaking the chains of immorality that hold us back. With dedication and determination, there are few things that we cannot achieve and few obstacles we cannot overcome. Long and difficult is the road ahead, but with our fellows by our sides and a song in our hearts, anything is possible - after all, if God be for us, who is against us?
Core Beliefs
Truth – objective truth – can only be found through the pursuit of God. It is a gift handed to us by our Creator, that we may be shown the path to goodness and enlightenment. Christ is the way and the light, and to reject Him would be to reject Truth. The false religions that have tainted Man have only divided us and driven us astray, causing our fellows to falter and succumb to false teachings. They have rejected God, and so they have rejected Truth, some even believing that they themselves are their own gods or that they know better than God Himself. Such disordered thinking is not conducive to a proper worldview and ideology. How can one reject Truth and expect to live a proper life, let alone build a properly ordered and just society? We wholly reject any teaching that is not God’s, any philosophy that is not rooted in the Gospel. Furthermore, we reject anything that does not come from God or that disrespects, contradicts, or otherwise works against Him. We hold fast in our belief in the God of the Trinity, the Light of Light and Way of Ways, and we will do all that we can to see that His will shall be done
One person alone does not create a society, and it is for this reason that we reject the notion of the individual being the building block of society. It is within the family that children are given the morals and values that shape both them and those they will come in contact with, and this is why those that wish to pervert our nation attack the family so viciously. Raising strong Christian families is the number one cure and deterrent to the evils we see today, as well as the best way to create a strong and stable society. If we wish to turn this nation around for the better, our focus must start here
Over the past few decades, we have forgotten what it means to be an American. We have turned our backs on common sense, goodness, and even our fellow countrymen. Years of strife, division, and discontent have driven a wedge between us, fostering a gross disdain for our fellows so severe that we view them as “others” rather than as Americans. This divide, fed and encouraged by enemies both foreign and domestic, has prevented us from being able to achieve true prosperity. How can a nation prosper when its citizens are at each other’s throats? How can a people thrive if they do not respect and love their fellows? We can never realize our ambitions unless we have each other’s support. A nation is doomed when it is divided. More than just national prosperity, a lack of fraternal bond causes us to forget and ignore the troubles our fellows face. In our disdain for others we have forgotten what it means to live selflessly, to sacrifice ourselves in service to our neighbor. Every day should see us work to close the divide between us, not simply because it helps the nation, but because it helps our fellows. Unless we can foster the Great American Fraternity and bring Americans together, our glorious nation will dissolve into endless infighting and vitriol. We need to reach out to our fellows, to connect with them and support them. By loving each other, we can foster true prosperity while improving the lives of others and upholding one of God’s greatest commandments: to love thy neighbor as thyself.
Social Issues
Abortion is one of the greatest injustices and sins that currently plagues our nation. Science confirms that life begins at the point of conception, when a novel set of unique human DNA is formed. Abortion, therefore, culminates in the termination of the life of another human. With this understanding, the idea that a woman can validly and legally choose to kill her baby because the child is unwanted, may have developmental issues, or was conceived of rape or incest is unthinkable, unacceptable, and morally reprehensible.
Euthanasia is an often-overlooked aspect of the pro-life cause that needs more attention.
The Hippocratic Oath defines the role of the medical professional as one to treat and cure
ailments of the body, never to purposely harm. It is a perversion of the honorable medical
profession into something evil and vile.
More than simply perverting the medical profession, euthanasia creates a culture and
economy of death. Whereas life is a sacred gift from God and should be cherished and protected,
cultures of death worship and are transfixed on shirking this gift and believing they are equal to
God. Euthanasia as a whole must be rejected, that we may fully and graciously honor the gift of life.
At its core, artificial contraception runs contrary to the pro-life cause. By circumventing the possibility of pregnancy, the natural purpose of sex is ignored, turning the act from something positive into something sinful. It degrades the meaning of sex, and in many ways, is tantamount to playing God. To oppose artificial contraception is to open sex once again to the possibility of life, as well as return the maturity, dignity, and the sanctity of the act back to its proper place
Sex and Morality
Sexual “Liberation”
Birth control, free love, and the other products of the Sexual Revolution have had heinous
effects on our society. Victims of the Revolution firmly believe themselves to have been freed or
liberated, when in realty they have been enslaved by their carnal desires and lead by lust.
Sex is a gift from God that allows for both procreation and the expression of intimacy
between husband and wife. Sexual acts that detract or otherwise stray from these two purposes
are contrary to the natural order and God’s commandments.
The concept of free love - an oxymoron - is a gross perversion of some of God’s greatest
blessings, warping them to fit the desires of Man rather than their natural purpose as ordered by
God. Free love turns sex into little more than a pastime, stripping away any semblance of
intimacy or love. In doing so, the institution of marriage – yet another gift from God – is
threatened and sexual morality spirals down until, as today, God is removed entirely from sex.
Enslavement to carnal lust is not liberation, and the perversion of God’s blessings is a grave sin. If we are to repair marriages and fix families, we must focus on reverting the effects of
the Sexual Revolution.
Time and time again, pornography has been shown to have severe adverse effects on
habitual consumers. They are more likely to suffer from depression, have a harder time
connecting with people and forming relationships, and are more likely to view others as objects
instead of people. It leads to mental, sexual, and relationship issues, and must be treated as a
drug. It is highly addictive.
On a philosophical level, pornography is degrading to human nature. It is the ultimate
form of objectification achievable: people exist for sex and are sexual objects to be used. This is
readily apparent in the way that the porn industry, where performers are regularly beaten, raped,
coerced, and abused in a myriad of ways. Performers that have left the industry, such as Mia Khalifa, often speak out against the way porn companies operate, and even against porn
consumption as a whole.
More than just the producers, popular porn distributors like Pornhub have been caught
multiple times hosting child porn and videos of actual rape, yet they face no consequences. This
is the ultimate conclusion of normalized pornography: the widespread distribution of perversion
and the degradation of human value. It is a grave sin, and the existence of such a ubiquitous and
normalized industry is a sign of a deeply sick people.
At its core, artificial contraception runs contrary to the pro-life cause. By circumventing the possibility of pregnancy, the natural purpose of sex is ignored, turning the act from something positive into something sinful. It degrades the meaning of sex, and in many ways, is tantamount to playing God. To oppose artificial contraception is to open sex once again to the possibility of life, as well as return the maturity, dignity, and the sanctity of the act back to its proper place
Marriage, one of the most supreme and holy gifts from God, is under siege. We have
entered an age where the sanctity of marriage is an afterthought - if it is thought of at all. It holds
no meaning in our secular society, which has turned away from viewing it as the divine,
indissoluble union that it is, and instead viewing it as a temporary fling that ends as soon as
trouble arises.
Marriage not only joins two people, it changes them. Man and woman become husband
and wife, and eventually they become father and mother. It is a strong marriage that sets a solid
foundation for a rightly ordered, stable, and successful family, but that goal is unobtainable if the
severity of the bond is not understood and appreciated.
The sanctity of marriage and its status as a religious institution must be defended. It must
be shielded from government interference and ridiculous secular restrictions such as marriage
licenses and other forms of gatekeeping
Social Justice and Equality
Despite the Progressive movement’s dogmatic regurgitation of it, Social Justice is a very
old concept that traces its roots to the writings of St. Augustine. It refers to justice as it relates to
distribution of wealth, opportunity, and the overall relationship between the individual and
society. Progressives have twisted Social Justice to fit their unnatural ideology, corrupting the
very concept of justice, which they claim to have a monopoly on. Their form of Social Justice
would not realize any sort of actual justice, rather it would create a state of unnatural equality.
The true nature of Social Justice has been so far removed from the modern consciousness
that it seems foreign - that is, that Social Justice is established when Man’s transcendent dignity
is upheld and respected. All Men are made in the image of God, and thus are endowed with a
certain equal and inalienable worth.
Though all Men have an inherent equality in their worth, that does not mean inequality is
evil. On the contrary, it is equality that is evil – unnatural equality. All Men are naturally diverse
in many aspects: age, race, sex, intellectual and physical abilities, moral aptitudes, and even
wealth. These differences are natural, as they stem from the natural order. We, as Men, are
created as imperfect beings. We require others to fill in our gaps and complement our God-given
endowments. Inequality is thus a natural phenomenon and not one that should be viewed with
disdain; rather, let us rejoice in our inequality, that we may better our fellow Men with our own
While inequality is natural and good, let us not ignore that there are and can be sinful
manifestations of inequality. These are the sorts of inequalities that ignore Man’s dignity and
deny him his worth and manifest themselves by way of extreme economic and social disparities.
Such abhorrent situations can be seen all over the world, being brought about by supercapitalism
and radical Progressivism. Working to eradicate such inequalities is the true nature of Social
Justice: it is standing shoulder to shoulder with our fellow Men in solidarity with the
downtrodden as a Christian brotherhood, armed with the Gospel and destroying all institutions
that threaten Man’s worth
On Culture
America is one of the most diverse nations on the planet. Simply cross state lines, or even
go to the other side of a state, and you will find people living their lives differently than you and
your family. This extreme level of cultural pluralism makes it very difficult to define America
culturally and all but precludes America from being viewed or operated as some sort of cultural
The question, then, is how to handle these cultural differences. Should we make an effort
to convert everyone to a single, homogenous culture? Surely not, as it would be an exercise in
futility, let alone the question of what that single culture should be. Should we expel those who
do not fit in with the American cultural zeitgeist? That would require a defined American
culture, would require every person’s personal culture to be assessed, and would be morally and
ethically questionable. Should America be broken up into smaller cultural unions? That may
sound appealing to some but would result in the destruction of America and lead to serious
violence. In the end, there is only one solution to America’s cultural diversity, and that is to take
the same approach as the Romans.
The Roman Empire was vast in its territory and diverse in its peoples. From Gaul to
Judah to Mauretania, people of different cultures and backgrounds became Roman. To achieve
this, the Romans created a dual culture system. Subjugated peoples were allowed to retain their
personal culture but were unified with the rest of the Empire under a Roman high culture. By
respecting and preserving their people’s ways of life but instating a cultural overhead, the
Romans were able to unify people of different cultures under a single banner and achieve some
of the greatest feats in human history.
If we are to solve our ongoing cultural disunity, we must take the Roman approach. We
need a High American Culture that unifies America’s diverse peoples under common ideas such
as Christian morality, rule of law, and the common good. If we fail to do so, America will grow
more and more divided until, eventually, there are no ties left, and the nation dissolves into
infighting and violence.
On Government
Democracy has been the greatest political experiment of our time, and it is a failed one.
We are expected to accept that because a person is a citizen of a nation, they automatically
possess the knowledge and aptitude to decide such important things as national policy. How
many voters truly understand the issues being addressed? How many could pass a citizenship
test? The pluralistic methods of liberal democracy are hinged entirely on the voters. As Teddy
Roosevelt remarked, “a vote is like a rifle; its usefulness depends upon the character of the user.”
In reality, democracy and its methods work best on a small scale. At the local level,
democracy is employed in areas that the everyman is intimately acquainted with: his community,
his family, his trade, and so on. They are issues that affect him and his directly. If there is any
place where universal or otherwise widespread suffrage is to be granted, it is here.
America’s organization as a federal state can be a powerful tool if utilized correctly and a
disastrous one if not controlled. The unique interplay between the federal and state governments
ensures the smooth day-to-day operation of the country and that our rights and privileges are
preserved – however, it is that very same interplay that can lead to friction and strife.
It is important that the powers afforded to the states by the Constitution are preserved and
honored, but we must not forget that the federal government is supreme. America is ultimately
the sum of its smaller parts, and if the constituent states decide to flagrantly ignore our laws or
otherwise work against the good of the nation – such as California declaring itself to be a
“Sanctuary State” – then correction is necessary. The stability of America is founded upon the
unity and cooperation of the states, and a nation of squabbling governments is not a stable one.
As such, it is therefore the duty of the federal government, acting as an agent of the
American people, to ensure that the lower governments are working together and towards the
common good. Sabotage of this goal is itself treasonous, and those that would disregard the
common good would do America immeasurable harm
Economic Issues
On Capitalism & Communism
The current situation is such that we have been tricked into falling for a false dichotomy:
that we must support either the Tyranny of the Profit by way of Capitalism or the Tyranny of
Progress by way of Socialism. Crippling debt, outrageous student loans, a broken healthcare
system, and a growing class divide have pushed Americans into one of these two camps while
the gap continues to widen between them. At a glance, Capitalism and Socialism appear very
different. Surely one might think that they are, as their core philosophies are in opposition to
each other and they propose very different systems of economic governance. However, a closer
look will reveal that these two Tyrannies are little more than sides of the same coin.
Capitalism and Socialism, despite their claims, would ultimately see Men as slaves. To
the Capitalists, you are a worker drone. Under the false pretenses of a free market and social
mobility, you live to serve the corporations and generate profits for them. Goodness and morality
are measured in GDP as God is replaced with a dangerous idol: money. Your culture, as well as
your human worth and your identity, are little more than economic commodities to be bought
and sold.
To the Socialists, you are also a slave. You will serve their revolution and work their
fields as they appoint themselves to cushy government jobs and sneer at you from their ivory
towers. They preach tolerance, acceptance, and progress, but have perverted these concepts into
Godless abominations that do little more than crush the souls of Men. You exist to serve and
further an endless revolution of Progress.
Both these systems have turned their backs on God. They do not seek to create an
organic, Christian society, nor can they allow for one. This false dichotomy is a dangerous one,
as every day more and more Americans are led to support the further destruction of just society.
The dichotomy must be rejected. A third position must be formulated if we are to see Men
Welfare & Social Services
Perhaps one of the most misguided and misunderstood concepts in the modern system is
that of welfare programs. The modus operandi has been to throw money at a problem and hope it
goes away, when, in reality, we are simply dumping billions into failed attempts at treating
symptoms of larger, deep-seated issues. Rather than trying to figure out why people become
reliant on welfare programs, we argue for either an increase in funding “to ensure their
wellbeing” or a decrease in funding “to reduce the handouts to societal parasites.”
Welfare programs and other social services are not, themselves, a bad thing. All societies
need some sort of safety net to ensure that even the worst-off citizen can still have a chance at
recuperation and growth. However, programs should aim to address the root cause of what
causes reliance, not simply try to mask the symptoms of the problem. If we can successfully
address what causes homelessness, unemployment, and broken families, we can reduce the
number of bad outcomes in the first place, rather than just mopping up the resulting mess
Labor Relations
To ensure a just and stable society, good working relations between Capital and Labor
are paramount. To that end, labor unions are a necessity. Unions are powerful tools when utilized
justly, but unfortunately, today it is far too common that power is swung too far in one direction:
either Capital is at the mercy of Labor by way of overreaching unions or Labor is crushed under
the oppressive heel of Capital.
Rather than seeking dominance over the other, Capital and Labor should be seeking
cooperation, as the success of one is heavily dependent on the other. Without Capital, Labor
would have no work, and without Labor, Capital would see no production. If the classes are at
each other’s throats, no one benefits but those who wish to sow discontent and outrage - our
Just as Capital and Labor must cooperate, so too must certain things be guaranteed from
both. Capital must ensure a just wage and that the rights and privileges of Labor are not
disregarded. Labor, in the meantime, must diligently perform their duties and not resort to
underhanded means when disputes inevitably arise.
Fighting between Capital and Labor is a sure way to spell economic troubles. It is only
through fair negotiations and open minds that stability can be ensured, and human dignity
The Dignity of Labor
Children today are suffocated with the idea that they must go to college and receive a
higher education, that they must get a degree and work a white-collar desk job. As a result, much
of academia is populated with people that, frankly, do not belong there. More than that, it creates
a blatantly harmful perception of certain types of labor.
To those that obsessively push college on children, blue collar work and learning a trade
are unthinkable. “Work smarter,” they parrot, “not harder,” as though being an electrician or
plumber were a bad thing, as though there is no honor in working a trade. However, if society is
to be understood as organic, as an organism, then there is and can be no dishonorable work.
Society, much like the human body, is made up of different parts that do different
functions. Remove or otherwise impede one of these parts and the whole system suffers - the
same is true when it comes to labor. Digging ditches is dirty, back-breaking work, but without
ditch diggers, how would we construct sewage systems? In the same way, designing the sewage
system requires civil engineers to utilize their knowledge of mathematics and sciences. Both
ditch diggers and civil engineers are required to construct the sewage system, and thus there is
honor and dignity in all jobs as they are all necessary for a healthy and competent society. An
honest day’s work deserves universal recognition, regardless of the type of labor. No work is
America First
Foreign Policy
For decades, America has pursued destructive and inconsistent policies in foreign relations. Whether engaging in senseless, half-hearted conflicts, being exploited by NATO member states, or used as a tool by so-called “allies” such as Israel, America’s foreign policy is nothing short of a disaster. It’s almost comical, as America is in an extremely unique geopolitical position with the ability to project her power to all corners of the world.
For decades, we have seen American goods beaten out by cheap – and sometimes
dangerous – foreign-made goods from Asia and elsewhere. For a myriad of reasons, the concept
of protectionist policies such as tariffs has been condemned. When President Trump began
enacting tariffs, he was lambasted as a dictatorial authoritarian, as though the very concept of
protectionism were dirty.
Is it so dirty for a nation to work to protect her own interests? Is it a sin to protect
domestic industry from foreign intrusion? Certainly not, but to many, it seems to be. In truth, not
only is it not a bad thing, but it is something that should be actively pursued so that domestic
industry is protected from the foreign. We must pursue an America First trade policy, lest our
goods continue to be replaced with cheap, mass-produced garbage from the hordes of Chinese
factories. In doing so, we can ensure a steady demand for American labor, thus helping our
people and the economy. It would further prevent dependence on unstable foreign markets, as
well as ending American economic support of slavery and other exploitative business practices
employed in the Asian sweatshops
Closing Statement
Achieving our lofty goals will not be easy, but few things in life that are worth achieving are. We may never see the fruits of our labors within our lifetimes, and if we falter, all may be lost. In spite of seemingly overwhelming odds and looming challenges, we must be ready to dedicate our lives to the pursuit of a just Christian society. With dedication and cooperation, there are few obstacles that we cannot overcome – after all, if God be for us, who is against us?